Pavel Sovka, prof.
Education and professional qualification:
- 1977-1981 CTU, FEE - electrical engineering (Ing.)
- 1981-1985 Ph.D. study at CTU FEE – nonlinear method for speech processing
- 1995 – associate professor (reader) in Electrical Engineering
- 2000 – professor in Electrical Engineering 2000
Practice in electronics:
- 1985-1991: Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
- 1991-so far: FEE CTU
- since 2006: Head of the Departement of Circuit Theory, FEE CTU
Short-term foreign stays:
- TU Budapest, Hungary
- IFAP J. W. Goethe Universitat, Frankfurt, Germany
- Universita di Roma La Sapienza, Roma and IROE, Florence, Italy
- ENST Telecom Paris, France (during this stay the cooperation with IDIAP, Switzerland)
Society membership and heading labs:
- 1993-2006 member of ISCA (International Association of Speech)
- 2005-2009 member of the editorial board of the journal Radioengineering
- 1993-1996 the head of the research laboratory at FEE CTU “Speech enhancement techniques”
- 1997-2012 the head of the research laboratory at FEE CTU “Laboratory of biological signal analysis”
Research and results:
- Former research: the application of adaptive systems to noise and echo cancellation, speech analysis, change-point detection, and signal separation
- Current research: biomedical signal processing and selective spectral transforms
- Scientific writing: co-author of two Czech books (one of them was awarded by CTU Rector's Award 1996) and several textbooks, author and co-author
of more than 100 conference contributions and 50 papers in the field of signal processing and its applications. Total number of publications during 2010-2017: journals - 11 (9 with non-zero IF),
conference proceedings - 22, chapter in a book - 1
The ISI Web of Knowledge citation databases include 137 citations of his publications (without self-citations), corresponding h-index is 7
- Results: new one-channel method of noise suppression; the optimization of multi-channel methods for acoustic noise cancellation; co-author of several cepstral voice activity detectors,
new algorithms; modelling, recognition and classification of movement-related EEG signals; the new method for the measurement of causal relationships between time series.
Student supervising:
Successfully supervised 19 PhD students; two of them were awarded (Werner von Siemens Excellence Award 2009, 2012)
- co-investigator of GA16-07690S “Dynamics of cognitive processes during spatial reference frames usage” (2016-2018)
- principal investigator of GA102/02/0124 “Voice Technologies for Support of Information Society” (2002-2004) - coperation with TU in Liberec and TU in Brno
- principal investigator of GA102/05/0278 “New Trends in Research and Application of Voice Technology” (2005-2007) - coperation with TU in Liberec and TU in Brno
- co-investigator of GA309/01/0665 “Cortical potentials and rhythms during somatosensory and somatomotor activation” (2001-2003)
- project OSCLEVER20071 (the Ministry of Defence of CR) “SEARCHING - Research of Novel Methods and Means of Searching of Wounded and Injured” (2007-2009)
- co-investigator of GAP102/11/1795 “Novel selective transforms for non-stationary signal processing” (2001-2013), see
- at the department of Circuit Theory, responsibility for one part of two research projects: “Trans-disciplinary Research in Biomedical Engineering I and II” (1998-2012)
Teaching activities:
- graduate and doctoral courses on signals and systems and on digital signal processing FEE CTU; introduced several new courses on digital signal processing
and its applications with the help of 4 grants of Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic